Style: Makina

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  • ID: 3732304
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Makina - так испанцы называют свой Hardcore-dance, с ярким выраженным басом-звучанием. По некоторой инфе стиль макина появился в 1993 году , на окраине Барселоны. с 1991 года со стиля Dance перешла в Hardcore, а Hardcore испанцы и назвали Makin'ой. и добавили пару фич для отличия. вроде так... =) Что ж. Раз на окраине Браселоны, значит стиль вовсе и не испанский. Ведь, как известно, каталонцы уже очень давно борятся за независимость своей республики. И тем не менее тележат они (помимо своего) еще и на испанском. Так что в рот мне ноги, а стиль, сцука, заипись! :-D А вот хорошее описание из википедии. Правда на английском. Но я думаю для нас с Вами это небольшая проблема =) Mákina, "Bakalao", and "Poky" are electronic music genres originated in Spain, similar in sound to UK Hardcore, but with certain elements of bouncy techno among and other differences. The spanish electro sound is usually characterized by its synthesized pads and has a weaker yet higher octave, a punchier kick drum than the similar UK produced tracks. There are two main areas for electronic music production in Spain: The Central Plateau (poky), and the Mediterranean shoreline (bakalao and makina) in Catalonia and the Valencian Region. Poky comes from the Central Plateau. "Radikal", a very popular disco for all the people living in the central areas of Spain, is located in a small town in the province of Toledo. "Radikal" gathers thousands of ravers called "bakalas" every weekend, eager to listen to their favourite tunes all night long. Bakalao music and Makina, whose origins are disputed, are produced all the way through the Mediterranean shores. They are quite complex in sound and composition, and boast more agude tones. It is also the one that has always traditionally had more elements "imported" from other kinds of techno, due to the proximity of Ibiza, (Balearic Islands, Spain). Pont Aeri, in Barcelona has the same social effect amongst the makineros as Radikal in Madrid and La Mancha. Its commonly accepted that bakalao was born in Valencia in the 80's, and since then has spread all over Spain, evolving in the makina subgenre and the poky. Makina is also very popular in North-East England, since DJ Scott started his distribution company MakinaUK back in 1999. Clubs and events such as After Dark 2, The New Monkey, Hangar 13, ThePowerhouse, TheBeginning and TheAsylum promote the style. Makina has also managed to find its way to Scotland with a club called Dimensional in Glasgow, which is the same style as in the North-East as it has MC's in the sessions. The Ruta del Bakalao was a virtual itinerary made by the "bakalaeros" from Madrid to the discos at Catalonia but Valencia region preferently. It was suppressed by the national and regional authorities due to the high number of car accidents caused by drug and alcohol consumption.